This page has been visited million-billion times by people like you. And they all laughed their asses off.

Cool places you might want to check out... after my page of course...

good place to learn how to be funny
Comedy Central
the funniest tv station
instrument jokes
yes, that's right... instrument jokes... they're pretty good
various jokes
tons of great jokes
The REAL joke man's web page... I highly recommend it
Make em Laugh
they have some funny stuff here
Funny Town
It's much funnier than my town, Vegas.
Funny Farm
the cows were funny, but the chickens left much to be desired
Jay's Comedy Club
very funny site
Dee Dee's Loony Bin
This is one loony bin where I'd like to go
Ohh hell, you find your own links... but the one's I listed are top-notch

Here's   how   it   works...

Ok, here's the deal... I've got TONS of jokes, and I've decided to share them with people. My jokes are organized in 6 groups: "clean" plain jokes, "good" plain jokes, "clean" cool stuff, "good" cool stuff, "clean" stereotypes, and "good" stereotypes. As you could probably tell, there is a difference between "clean" and "good." Clean jokes are jokes that you might here from a priest or your grandmother (unless if she's like mine). Good jokes are jokes that you might hear from an older sibling. Good jokes are a little more riskee. The language might be questionable, but I'll do my best to keep them within the "tripod terms of service." Plain jokes are just like they sound... they are plain. They're just your ordinary "why did the chicken cross the road" jokes (except funnier). Cool stuff jokes are a little different. Cool stuff jokes consists of things like lists (ex: 96 ways to be annoying) or interesting facts (ex: no word in the english language rhymes with "month.") Stereotypes are jokes that are geared towards a certain group of people. I will not include any racial jokes, and if you find one, please notify me immediately. However, I do have blonde jokes and others. Remember, these are jokes, they do not reflect my views on a certain group of people. They are intended to be FUNNY, so laugh at them, instead of complaining. In order to get to one of the 6 groups, just click the title that appeals to you most. I'd also like to thank some people who made this possible... because even I can't come up with all of these jokes. Thanks to: Steve L., Steve E., Ken, Liss, and last but not least Greg. If I forgot you... please tell me. Thanks, and good laughing...

Links to my joke pages

Click here: for Clean, plain drunk jokes
Click here: for Clean, plain marriage and sex jokes
Click here: for Clean, plain miscellaneous jokes
Click here: for Good, plain sex jokes
Click here: for Good, plain medical jokes
Click here: for Good, plain miscellaneous jokes
Click here: for Blonde jokes (all are clean)
Click here: for Lawyer jokes (all are clean)
Click here: for Group jokes (all are clean)

6 Improv Lane
Las Vegas, NV 12345
United States